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山西省吕梁市2019届高三上学期期末考试模拟试题(英语 解析版)
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  • 更新时间2019/5/16 17:23:36
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Dessi Sieburth's love of birds started about six years ago. Now, he has his own group called Protecting Our Birds.Recently,Dessi,14 years old, chatted with TFK about his work and goals for the future.
What is Protecting Our Birds?
Birds are citizens of the world, so they need protection. I basically try to do conservation work to help birds get protected throughout the world. I recently wrote an article about a bird called the bartailed godwit(斑尾).I interviewed a biologist named Nils Warnock, who had studied the bartailed godwit. He expressed the concern about the threat that the bartailed godwit is facing. I wrote an article about his answers to the questions, which is published on the American Birding Association Website.
What impelled you to start this project?
When I was eight years old, our class had to do a woodworking project, so I chose a bird feeder(喂食盒). I didn't like birds at the time. I made the feeder, filled it up with seed, put it in my backyard and then the birds started coming. I got really interested in birds as more came. I later got involved in my local Audubon Society, which is devoted to conserving and restoring natural ecosystems. It really got me into birds and I realized bird populations were declining, and many are becoming endangered quite rapidly. I wanted to help them, so I started the project.
What are some future projects you plan to work on?
I live in L.A., where there are a lot of parrots. Most of the parrots' native range is in Mexico, but they’re really declining there because of habitat loss. I want to study the parrots and help them in their native range in Mexico, so they can start increasing again.
How can people learn more about Protecting Our Birds and the work you're doing?
I have a website. It's my free website about protecting our birds. There people can learn about what I do and how to help birds.
1. What's Nils Warnock's attitude to the bartailed godwit?
A. Worried.    B. Changing.
C. Uncertain.    D. Optimistic.
2. When did Dessi start his project “Protecting Our Birds”?
A. After he prepared a feeder for birds.
B. After he interviewed Nils Warnock.
C. After he studied parrots in Mexico.
D. After he joined a local association.
3. What will Dessi probably do next?
A. Write articles about birds in danger.
B. Help parrots losing the natural home.
C. Set up a website to teach how to help birds.
D. Recreate his own conservation organization.
【答案】1. A    2. D    3. B
本文是一篇记叙文。14岁的Dessi Sieburth为了保护濒临灭绝的鸟类,他发起了护鸟工程。最近他接受了记者的采访,在访谈中,他谈到了启动这个工程的初衷、他做的鸟类保护工作以及未来的打算。
推理判断题。根据文章第三段的He expressed the concern about the threat that the bar-tailed godwit is facing.可推知,Nils Warnock对斑尾鹬的生存前景深表忧虑。 故选A。
细节理解题。根据文章第五段I later got involved in my local Audubon Society, which is devoted to conserving and restoring natural ecosystems. It really got me into birds and I realized bird populations were declining, and many are becoming endangered quite rapidly. I wanted to help them, so I started the project.可知,Dessi Sieburth加入了当地Audubon协会,了解鸟类的生存现状后,他才启动了护鸟工程。故选D。
细节理解题。根据文章第六段I want to study the parrots and help them in their native range in Mexico, so they can start increasing again.可知,Dessi Sieburth接下来会致力于保护那些失去了栖息地的鹦鹉。故选B。
【点睛】文章内容较为简单,文章考查到细节理解题,对此类题型,考生可以首先从问题中找到关键词然后以此为线索,运用略读及查阅的技巧在文中迅速寻找这一细节找到后再把这一部分内容仔细阅读一遍,仔细比较所给选项与文中细节的细微区别。如小题1中选择项中Worried与文中的expressed the concern 表达的同一个意思这些都考生需要比较它们之间的细微区别。
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