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  • 文件大小967 K
  • 更新时间2019/10/10 14:50:45
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    We all love chocolate, and most of us probably eat it everyday, or at least several times a week. It is one of the most favourite kinds of food in the world, and many would say that they cannot live without it. However, there are many facts about the world of chocolate that most people do not know.
Have you ever wondered where your chocolate comes from? Most of it comes from the labor of children. It is said that in Africa alone, there are about 70 million children working on chocolate farms. They lead a very hard life, and many live only on bananas and corn paste(糨糊). One child who was interviewed said that he was tricked into believing he would be earning money to help his family. But the truth is that he is treated like an animal. The child has never even had the chance to taste the chocolate he spends his life producing.
The history of chocolate pretty much begins with the Mayans(玛雅人). Cacao (可可)beans were so valuable to Mayans that they were used as money. It is said that ten beans could buy a rabbit, and one hundred beans were enough to buy a slave (奴隶). People would buy everything from food to tools with the beans. Generally,only the richer people drank chocolate regularly, because drinking your money is expensive.
1. What do the African children who work on chocolate farms eat every day?
A. Bananas and chocolate.                      B. Cacao beans and corn paste.
C. Bananas and corn paste.                     D. Chocolate and cacao beans.
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the second paragraph?
A. Most of the chocolate comes from the labor of slaves.
B. In Africa, children working on chocolate farms lead a comfortable life.
C. The child who was interviewed has ever tasted the chocolate he produced.
D. The child who was interviewed was treated badly.
3. What did Mayans use to buy something that they needed?
A. Chocolate.      B. Cacao beans.      C. Animals.      D. Coins.
4. What is this text mainly about? 
A. Chocolate plays an important role in people’s lives.
B. African children are producing chocolate in bad conditions.
C. Two unknown facts about chocolate.
D. Why only the rich can drink chocolate regularly.
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