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A New Museum of Ice Cream

The hottest museum in New York has got pop art, its own subway and a line out the door and around the block. It might not really be a museum at all.

The Museum of Ice Cream has built its first location in 2016 in Manhattan. At that time, so many people headed there that its tickets sold out within five days. And then, it was followed by Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Miami. Now, it founds a permanent (永久的) home in New York City’s SoHo neighborhood.

The newest Museum of Ice Cream is a dream place for people. It provides many kinds of delicious ice creams. But only this can’t explain its success. With the theme of ice cream, things in it are pink. There’s a subway that transports visitors to the dream world of dessert, a top-floor slide which is a child’s dream on the playground, a swimming pool and other items they will enjoy.

The permission to photos

Unlike other museums where the phones are not allowed, everything in the Museum of Ice Cream makes taking photos so popular. People who visit it will tend to take many photos. The Rose Mansion and Color Factory that also introduce such experiences owe their success to the Museum of Ice Cream.

The big-ticket item in the museum

There is a sprinkle pool (糖果池) filled with candies. Creative founder Maryellis Bunn  dreamed of swimming in the sea of chocolate when she was a child. “It’s all about fun, and feeling like a kid again,” She said. So she designed it where she and 30,000 other New Yorkers could do that.


Tickets start at $39 and kids under 2 are free,plus more for private sprinkle pool parties and activities with up to 40 friends.

21. What can we know about the Museum of Ice Cream?

A. It opened in San Francisco in 2016.         

B. It became popular at the first beginning.

C. It can be found in most American cities.

D. It is the most interesting museum in New York.

22.What is special about the Museum of Ice Cream according to Paragraph 4?

A. It leads a photo-friendly trend.            

B. It provides colorful food for free.

C. It helps people know more about ice creams. 

D. It offers special items and service for small kids.

23.Maryellis Bunn designed a sprinkle pool to________.      .

A. attract foreign visitors                 B. bring back childhood fun

C. enable kids to play together             D. provide more different kinds of candies

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