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(北师大版)2021高考一轮统考复习第一编Book1Unit3Celebration课时作业(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本北师大版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小966 K
  • 更新时间2020/8/14 11:28:47
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 The Caribbean is a festive place, and Martinique is no exception. One of the best things about __1__ here is the countless number of events and festivals, which take place throughout the year, all over the island.

Having never __2__ Carnival in the Caribbean before, I was __3__ to see Martinique come alive in Carnival spirit. True to my __4__ the celebrations were loud, lively and energetic. For five days, the __5__ were filled with huge crowds, beautiful clothes and pulsing music. In Martinique, Carnival is a __6__ that brings people together, regardless of their age, ethnicity or religion. Everybody is __7__ in this grand celebration of life. An interesting aspect of Carnival for me was to see how many different __8__ influences there were. The performances of street revelers strongly __9__ ritual African dance, while the costumes were European, with plentiful masks closely __10__ the costumes of French masquerade balls. The music was also a __11__ blend of West African, Caribbean and European influences.

So, what are the __12__ of Martinique's culture? Most of the population of Martinique are __13__ African descent. They can __14__ their history back to Africans who were brought to the Caribbean as slaves. After the end of __15__ many Caribbean societies embraced forms of African culture and identity, which are strongly in __16__ today. As an overseas department of France and a former __17__ of France, Martinique is also __18__ influenced by French culture. The people of Martinique are __19__ as French, but also as Caribbeans and Africans. Carnival is an expression in the truest form of the __20__ of French, African and Caribbean cultures that run deep on the island, making it the unique melting pot it is today.


1A.playing                           Bliving

Ctraveling                           Dexploring

答案:B 根据空格后面的内容可知整个岛全年都有无数的重大事件和节日这说明住(live)在马提尼克岛是一件好事情

2.A.experienced                        Borganized

Chosted                              Ddecorated

答案:A 结合下文可知作者之前没有在加勒比海地区体验(experience)过狂欢节

3.A.disappointed                       Bembarrassed

Cexcited                             Dfrustrated

答案:C 空格后面的“come alive”意为“热闹起来活跃起来”说明作者感到兴奋(excited)

4.A.impression                         Bentertainment

Cpuzzlement                          Dexpectation

答案:D 根据语境和后面的“the celebrations were loud,  lively and energetic”可知庆祝活动的形式符合作者的期望(expectation)

5.A.streets                            Bparks

Cislands                             Dsquares

答案:A 街道(street)上挤满了人

6.A.conference                         Bfestival

Creunion                             Dparty

答案:B 狂欢节是一个节日(festival)

7.A.limited                            Baffected

Cunited                              Dadmired

答案:C 根据上文的“brings people together, regardless of  their age, ethnicity or religion”可知这个节日把不同年龄民族和信仰的人们聚集到一起

8.A.geographical                       Bpolitical

Chistorical                          Dcultural

答案:D 结合下句中的“African dance, while the costumes  were European”可知非洲的舞蹈和欧洲的服装等都反映的是文化方面的影响

9.A.mirrored                           Bpreferred

Cpreformed                           Djoined

答案:A 根据前面的“The performances of street revelers”和后面的“ritual African dance”可知街道上的表演反映了传统的非洲舞蹈mirror “反映”

10A.favoring                         Bresembling

Crepresenting                        Ddesigning

答案:B 与第9“mirrored”呼应这里指服装则是欧式的各种各样的面具类似(resemble)法国化装舞会上的装束

11A.complex                          Bstrange

Cunique                              Dsimple

答案:C 根据空格后面的内容可知这个地方的音乐也是西非加勒比海地区和欧洲影响的融合说明了它的独特性

12A.differences                      Bconditions

Ceffects                             Droots

答案:D 根据接下来的两句可知这里指马提尼克岛这个地方文化的起源来自哪里

13A.of                               Bfor

Cwith                                Dat

答案:A 此处of表示“属于”指马提尼克岛上的大多数人是非洲人的后代

14A.turn                             Btrace

Cbring                               Dgive

答案:B 根据空格后面的内容可知他们的根源可以追溯(trace)到非洲人被当作奴隶带到加勒比海地区的时候

15A.trade                            Boccupation

Cslavery                             Dviolence

答案C 根据前面的“who were brought to the Caribbean  as slaves”可知指当奴隶制结束后

16A.return                           Bconsequence

Csight                               Devidence

答案:D 根据前面的“many Caribbean societies embraced  forms of African culture and identity”可知奴隶制结束后很多加勒比海地区的人们接受非洲的文化形式和身份这些现象在当今更是显而易见的in evidence “显而易见的明显的”

17A.colony                           Bbase

Cprovince                            Dsettlement

答案:A 根据前面的“As an overseas department of France  and a former”可知作为原先法国的一个殖民地

18A.hardly                           Bdeeply

Cmerely                              Dnegatively

答案:B 由于这个岛之前是法国的殖民地因此这里的人们深受法国文化的影响

19A.identified                       Bappointed

Cacted                               Dserved

答案:A 此处identity as意为“认为是……定义为……”指这个岛上的人们被认为是法国人但是也是加勒比海人和非洲人

20A.development                      Bchange

Ctradition                           Dmixture

答案D 根据后面的“of French, African and Caribbean  cultures”可知这个地方的文化是法国非洲和加勒比海地区文化的融合

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