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(北师大版)2020-2021学年高中模块整合训练选修7(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本北师大版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高二年级
  • 文件大小982 K
  • 更新时间2021/2/3 19:07:45
    下载统计今日0 总计2
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Are you interested in hi­tech productsHere are some that you might find at the market pretty soon.


Tired of dragging your bag through busy airportsThen you might want to consider CX­1.The smart suitcase uses facial recognition software to follow its owner as he or she is checking in or heading to the gate.Though CX­1 can only move at a speed of up to seven miles per houra tiny tool enables owners to keep track of the suitcase's location.It is expected to be sold on the market soon.


Sony's latest version of the Aibo robotic dog is almost as fun as the real thingbut with much less work.The pet dog can recognize its ownerobey several commandsand even recall the behavior that pleases its master the most.Aibo can also learn new trickstake photographsand over timedevelop its own unique personality.


Forpheusanathleticrobot developed by Japanese technology company Omron.It teaches users how to play pingpong.The 10­feet­tall machine uses a camera and artificial intelligence to track the ball's speed and can predict the ball's direction correctly. The smart Forpheus can also quickly test its player's abilities and adjust the playing levelmaking the game fun.

Black Box VR

Though many people determine to go to the gym once a weekfew reach their goal.Black Box VR wants to change that by turning hard exercise into fun video games.Using itgym users will find themselves fighting enemiesincluding big creaturesall while getting exercise.

【语篇解读】 本文是一篇应用文主要介绍了几款高科技产品。

1What is the feature of CX­1 ?

AIt can be opened by facial expressions.

BIt can recognize and follow its owner.

CIt can move very fast in busy places.

DIt can sense the suitcase's location.

B [细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“The smart suitcase uses facial recognition software to follow its owner as he or she is checking in or heading to the gate”可知CX­1的特点是它可以识别和跟随它的主人。]

2Who would most probably want an Aibo?

APeople who want a dog but can't look after a real one.

BPeople who often play tricks on others.

CPeople who want to take high­quality photographs.

DPeople who want to walk a dog.

A [推理判断题。根据第三段第一句“Sony's latest version of the Aibo robotic dog is almost as fun as the real thing—but with much less work”的描述可推知想要Aibo的是那些想要一只狗但不能照顾一只真正的狗的人。]

3Which product can help people work out regularly in a gym?

ACX­1.                           BAibo.

CForpheus.                       DBlack Box VR.

D [推理判断题。根据最后一段的内容尤其是“Using itgym users will find themselves fighting enemiesincluding big creaturesall while getting exercise”的描述可推知Black Box VR这种产品可以帮助人们经常在健身房锻炼。]

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