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(外研版)2022高三一轮复习Module2个人家庭社区及学校生活训练必修1(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本外研版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小940 K
  • 更新时间2022/6/5 13:29:08
    下载统计今日0 总计0
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(2021·重庆检测) Several years ago, a public school teacher was hired to visit children who were patients in a city hospital. Her job was to tutor them with their schoolwork.

One day, this teacher received a routine call requesting that she visit a particular child. She was told by the teacher on the other end of the line. “We're studying nouns and adverbs in Class now. I'd be grateful if you could help him with his homework.”

It wasn't until the visiting teacher got outside the boy's room that she realized it was located in the hospital's burn unit. No one had prepared her for that. When she walked into the room, she found the young boy, horribly burned, was obviously in great pain. The teacher felt awkward and didn't know what to say, but she had gone too far to walk out. Finally, she was able to_stammer_out, “I ... I'm ... the special visiting hospital teacher, and your teacher sent me to help you with your nouns and adverbs.” Afterward, she thought it was not one of her more successful tutoring sessions.

The next morning when she returned, a nurse stopped her, “What did you do to that boy” Before she could finish her apologies, the nurse interrupted her by saying, “You don't understand. We've been worried about him, but ever since you were here yesterday his whole attitude has changed. He's responding to treatment ...”

In fact, the boy had completely given up hope and felt he was going to die until he saw that special teacher. Everything had changed with an insight gained by a simple realization. With happy tears in his eyes, the little boy said, “They wouldn't send a special teacher to work on nouns and adverbs with a dying boy, now, would they


1Why did the teacher feel awkward after entering the room?

ABecause she walked into the wrong room.

BBecause she was too eager to be successful.

CBecause she had no idea how the boy was suffering.

DBecause she was not well prepared for her lesson.

解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第三段的“No one had prepared ...walk out.”可知,这位老师之前并不知道自己是要去辅导一位被严重烧伤的男孩,因此当她进入病房看到痛苦的男孩时,感到不知所措。由此推测,这位老师感到尴尬是因为她不知道小男孩的烧伤如此严重。故选C

2What does the underlined word “stammer” in paragraph 3 mean?

ATo speak with a fear.                 BTo speak with a pause.

CTo speak with a concern.                 DTo speak with a gesture.

解析:选B 词义猜测题。根据第三段的“I ... I'm ... and adverbs.”可知,老师在毫不知情的情况下见到了严重烧伤的男孩,顿时不知所措、说话结巴。由此猜测,画线词的意思是结结巴巴地说。故选B

3What can we infer from the teacher's action of apologizing?

AShe got scared by the hospital nurse.

BShe was a person of modest personality.

CShe thought she made the boy uncomfortable.

DShe realized she got the usage of a noun wrong.

解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第三段的“Afterward, ... sessions.(后来,她觉得这不是她比较成功的辅导课程之一)”可推测,老师向男孩道歉的原因是,她认为自己那天的行为和课程给孩子留下了不好的印象。故选C

4What helped the boy regain hope?

AHe felt the learning pressure from the special teacher.

BHe believed that the teacher was expert at teaching grammar.

CHe was aware that everyone was trying their best to care for him.

DHe realized that he was not in so bad a situation as he had assumed.

解析:选D 推理判断题。根据最后一段的“They wouldn't send ...would they可知,男孩本以为自己是即将要死去的人,所以不配合治疗。由此推断,他现在意识到自己的情况并不那么糟糕,因此改变了不愿治疗的想法,重拾希望。故选D

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