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陕西省渭南市2022届高三下学期二模考试试题 Word版含答案(英语)
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  • 资源类别试卷
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小1023 K
  • 更新时间2022/6/6 17:22:10
    下载统计今日0 总计1
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Creating Programs for Teachers and Students

Course Description

Participants in this special four-week course will learn how to craft onsite, outreach, and virtual programming that is meaningful for the current needs of the educational community. Employing a classroom model, participants will engage with presentations, readings, videos, and discussion boards which will prepare them for meaningful virtual conversations with their peers.


Participants will recognize the basics of learning theory and educational program design for both in-person and virtual programming.

Participants will reflect on their current educational programming in order to identify creative ways to increase impact.

Participants will integrate learning   theory into education program development for one of their current or future programs.


SESSION DATES:  January 10-February 6, 2022

COST:$175 Members/$275 Nonmembers

OPEN REGISTRATION:  October 1, 2021 through January 3, 2022

Course Logistics

FORMAT: Online, Instructor-led, Weekly-paced course

LENGTH:4 weeks

PARTICIPATION STYLE:  Students should expect to spend approximately 5-7 hours per week on readings, text-based forum discussions, assignments, and Zoom discussions.

LIVE ZOOM DISCUSSIONS:  We recommend downloading the Zoom mobile or desktop app for this course. A one-hour live Zoom discussion will be held weekly on Fridays.

MATERIALS:  There are no required textbooks for this course. All reading materials will be provided.

CREDIT:  Successful completion of this course(70% or higher) will earna Certificate of Completion from AASLH.

Who Should Take This Course

This course is ideally suited for staff (first-time museum educators, tour guides and mid-career professionals), museum studies students, or volunteers working in all types of museums who are given the responsibility of education and public programming

How to Register

Click here for instructions on how to register yourself or another user for this event.

21. What is the deadline for the participants to log in?

A. January 10, 2022.                         B. October 1, 2021.

C. January 3, 2022.                           D. February 6, 2022.

22. What is the characteristic of the course?

A. It helps participants work for the community.

B. It takes place in the classroom as usual.

C. It allows participants to take up online.

D. It provides virtual projects for all ages.

23. What is suggested for the participants?

A. Choosing suitable textbooks.

B. Spending about 5-7 hours every day.

C. Staying active and creative.

D. Downloading an app for the course.

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