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安徽省合肥市第九中学2020-2021学年高二下学期期中试题(英语 解析版)
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Celebrate the moon landing anniversary with books

Astronomy lovers are not the only ones excited about the 50th anniversary of the moon landing.Publishers are also taking note, serving up a pile of books to mark the occasion.

One Giant Leap, $29.99

Charles Fishman

Getting to the moon demanded a million hours of work for each hour spent in space, this book argues.Accordingly, the story focuses on the engineers, coders, project managers and others who worked hard to get the Apollo program off the ground.

Moonbound, $35

Jonathan Fetter­Vorm

Colorful and detailed, the comic­style illustrations (连环画风格的插图) in this book bring the moon landing to life.Much of the astronauts’ dialog is based on real recordings, making the book particularly reliable.

The Apollo Missions, $19.99

David Baker

A former NASA engineer uses photographs, illustrations, blueprints and other documents to guide readers through a clear history of the space race and the Apollo program, from the beginnings of rocket science to the successful return home of the Apollo 11 crew.

The Mission of a Lifetime, $22

Basil Hero

The Apollo astronauts rarely gave personal interviews.But now that they’re getting older, the astronauts are starting to get introspective (内省的)This book deals with conversations with the 12 astronauts who have general wisdom on overcoming fear and appreciating life.

1. What makes the content of Moonbound reliable?

A. The author’s fame.

B. The personal interviews.

C. The colorful illustrations.

D. The related real recordings.

2. Which of the following should you read if you want to learn about the history of the space race?

A. One Giant Leap.                            B. Moonbound.

C. The Apollo Missions.                       D. The Mission of a Lifetime.

3. Who is the text intended for?

A. Big publishers.                            B. Astronomy lovers.

C. Leading scientists.                        D. Inexperienced astronauts.

【答案】1. D    2. C    3. B




细节理解题。根据“Moonbound, $35”中的“Much of the astronauts’ dialog is based on real recordings, making the book particularly reliable.” 很多宇航员的对话都是基于真实的记录,这使得这本书特别可靠。)由此可知,是一些真实的记录使“Moonbound”的内容更可靠,故选D


细节理解题。根据“The Apollo Missions, $19.99”中的“A former NASA engineer uses photographs, illustrations, blueprints and other documents to guide readers through a clear history of the space race and the Apollo program” 一位前NASA工程师使用照片、插图、蓝图和其他文件引导读者清楚地了解太空竞赛和阿波罗计划的历史)由此可知,你要想了解太空的历史,可以读“The Apollo Missions”这本书,故选C


推理判断题。根据文章第一段“Astronomy lovers are not the only ones excited about the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. Publishers are also taking note, serving up a pile of books to mark the occasion. ” 并非只有天文学爱好者对登月50周年感到兴奋。出版商们也注意到了这一点,提供了一堆书来纪念这个时刻。)以及下文几本书的介绍,可知是写给天文爱好者的,故选B


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