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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小105 K
  • 更新时间2022/8/15 11:08:39
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Years agoI would wake up two or three times each night because of terrible pains.Having watched my father die of cancerI   1   that I also had a cancer.So I went to a clinic.A doctor examined megave me some medicine and cleared my mind of   2   that I had a cancer.He suggested I should relax.After hearing these wordsI felt   3   and acted on the doctor's   4 

One day while I was looking over an accumulation of old   5   on matters that were past and goneI threw them into the wastebasket one by one.  6   I stopped and said to myself,“Billwhy don't you do the   7   thing with your worries that you are doing with these notes?” That idea gave me immediate   8  gave me the feeling of a weight being lifted from me.From that dayI have made it a(n)   9   to throw into the wastebasket all the   10   that I can no longer do anything about.

Then one day while my wife was wiping the dishes happilyanother idea   11   to me.I thought,“LookBillhow   12   your wife is.Had she thought of washing the pile of dirty dishes like a barn these yearsshe would have been   13   by the thought.The reason my wife doesn't   14   washing the dishes now is that she washes only one day's dishes at a time. I saw what my   15   was.I was trying to wash today's dishes and yesterday's dishes and   16   the dishes that weren't dirty yet.

I saw how   17   I was.I used to stand in front of peopletelling other people how to liveyet I myself was leading a tenseworriedhurried existence.I felt   18   of myself.

Worries don't   19   me any more.I now throw yesterday's anxieties into the wastebasketand I have   20   trying to wash tomorrow's dirty dishes today.

1A.declared              Bfeared

Cacknowledged                    Dconfirmed

2A.dissatisfaction               Bmisfortune

Cdoubt                           Dthreat

3A.relieved                      Boptimistic

Ccontent                         Ddepressed

4A.opinions                      Bexperience

Cpromises                        Dadvice

5A.books                         Bpapers

Cnotes                           Dclothes

6A.Suddenly                      BGradually

CEventually                      DObviously

7A.meaningful                    Bsame

Cimportant                       Dunique

8A.anxiety                       Bconfusion

Cstrength                        Dinspiration

9A.rule                          Border

Cdifference                      Dplan

10A.habits                       Bachievements

Cfailures                        Dproblems

11A.returned                     Bhappened

Coccurred                        Dappealed

12A.determined                   Bpleased

Csurprised                       Dpuzzled

13A.encouraged                   Bdisappointed

Cdefeated                        Dsurprised

14A.enjoy                        Bmind

Cconsider                        Davoid

15A.thought                      Bembarrassment

Cexcuse                          Dtrouble

16A.even                         Bstill

Cmainly                          Dpartly

17A.foolish                      Bintelligent

Cmodest                          Dabnormal

18A.conscious                    Bashamed

Cproud                           Dterrified

19A.convince                     Boppose

Cexcite                          Dbother

20A.admitted                     Bdelayed

Cstopped                         Dregretted

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