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  • 更新时间2022/9/5 14:38:56
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Zhang Guimei, who has ____41____ her 40 years to education in a China’s southwestern area, is a “mother” and headmaster who has ignited (点燃) the hopes of many girls with the light of ____42____.

At 17, she left her hometown Heilongjiang for Yunnan province. While teaching in Huaping county, she saw many girls ____43____ of school due to poverty. It saddened her very much and made her ____44____ that an educated female is able to change the situation of poverty in a family and even the fate (命运) of three generations. In 2002, Zhang was ____45____ to build a free all-girls high school, in hope of changing the future of the girls in the mountains and lifting them out of poverty.

In 2007, Zhang ____46____ a report in Beijing at the 17th Communist Party of China (CPC) National Congress. Her report “I have a dream” made her dream of building a free all-girls high school ____47____ to all.

A year later, Zhang’s school was ____48____, becoming the first free all-girls high school in China. Before it was set up, less than 50 percent of the students in Huaping took high school entrance exams. However, the figure ____49____ to over 90 percent last year. In the past, rural girls in the county often had no choice but to ____50____ at a young age. Today, an ____51____ number of them are going to high schools for education. During the past 13 years, the school has helped over 1,800 students ____52____ their dreams of going to universities.

Due to her selfless work, Zhang was ____53____ CPC’s top honor July 1 Medal at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. At the ceremony, she said: “The things we have done are what many CPC members are doing every day. ____54____ I’m still capable, I will stand in the classroom to give my all, which I will never ever ____55____” she remarked.

41. A. contributed               B. applied                           C. belonged                    D. responded

42. A. lantern                      B. firework                         C. education                   D. midnight

43. A. figure out                 B. set out                           C. carry out                       D. drop out

44. A. grateful                    B. aware                            C. concerned                      D. curious

45. A. addicted                   B. shocked                         C. likely                          D. determined

46. A. replaced                   B. delivered                        C. disguised                    D. represent

47. A. limited                      B. faithful                           C. known                           D. typical

48. A. completed                 B. appointed                       C. announced                  D. confirmed

49. A. dropped                    B. dived                             C. walked                          D. jumped

50. A. retire                        B. perform                         C. marry                            D. leave

51. A. existing                    B. increasing                       C. individual                       D. equal

52. A. remove                     B. repeat                            C. refuse                            D. realize

53. A. awarded                   B. arranged                         C. achieved                        D. attracted

54. A. As well as                 B. As soon as                      C. As long as                      D. As far as

55. A. regret                       B. ensure                            C. forgive                          D. imagine

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