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湖南省益阳、娄底、永州、邵阳、郴州市2021-2022学年高一上学期第一次联考试题(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试卷
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  • 适用年级高一年级
  • 文件大小995 K
  • 更新时间2022/9/5 14:49:50
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Conservation Volunteering in New Zealand

Whether you are a student, professional or a retiree (退休者), anyone is welcome to make a difference and contribute to protecting some of the most beautiful islands in the world. Choose a suitable city and travel out to your conservation (保护) site to work with local people!

Duration: 1-12 weeks                    Dates: Throughout the year

Arrival day: Friday                      Return day: Friday

Requirement: General level of fitness       Age: 18+

What will I be doing?

Volunteer in New Zealand and enjoy conserving the environment through activities such as:

·Tree planting

·Walking trail construction

·Protect native birds, insects, fish and penguins

·Seed collection

·Weed control

You, and a group of up to 10 volunteers, will work under the guidance of a conservation team leader. Your team leader will give you regular safety instructions, inform you of the project aims and assist you with working effectively.

No previous experience is necessary to join the project. All you need is a love of the environment and a fairly good level of fitness to help out!

1. Who can sign up for this conservation volunteering project?

A. A retired maths teacher.                                            B. A primary school student.

C. A scientist with heart disease.                                    D. A businessman in a wheelchair.

2. What can you do on the volunteer trip?

A. Protect cultural sites and go shopping.

B. Enjoy local sightseeing and go fishing.

C. Protect weeds and build roads.

D. Collect seeds and plant trees.

3. From which is the text probably taken?

A. A history book.                                                       B. A travel magazine.

C. A research paper.                                                     D. A novel.

【答案】1. A    2. D    3. B




细节理解题。根据第一段关键句Whether you are a student, professional or a retiree (退休者), anyone is welcome to make a difference and contribute to protecting some of the most beautiful islands in the world.(无论你是学生、专业人士还是退休人员,欢迎任何人为保护世界上一些最美丽的岛屿做出贡献。)可知,学生、专业人士和退休人员都可以参加这项活动,再结合第一段下面报名要求中的Requirement: General level of fitness(要求:正常的健康水平)和Age: 18+(年龄: 18岁以上)可知,报名人员要身体健康并且年龄超过18岁,浏览选项,A retired maths teacher.一名退休的数学老师,符合要求,可以报名参加这个保护志愿者项目,A primary school student.一个小学生,年龄不符合,A scientist with heart disease.(一个患有心脏病的科学家)和A businessman in a wheelchair.(一个坐轮椅的商人)健康状况不符合,故排除。故选A项。


细节理解题。根据What will I be doing?部分关键句Tree planting(植树)和Seed collection(收集种子)可知,在这项活动中,你可以植树,还可以收集种子,由此可知,在志愿者之旅中,你能收集种子并种植树木,A项中的go shopping文中没有提到,B项中的go fishing文中没有提到,C项中的Protect weeds文中没有提到,故排除。故选D项。


推理判断题。根据文章第一段关键句Choose a suitable city and travel out to your conservation (保护) site to work with local people!(选择一个合适的城市,旅行去你的保护区与当地人一起工作!)可知,本文主要是征集志愿者去其他城市参与当地的保护工作,由此可推断出,这篇文章可能出自于与旅行相关的东西,A travel magazine意为一本旅游杂志,符合文章出处。故选B项。

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