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黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市第八中学校2020-2021学年高二上学期开学考试试题(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试卷
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  • 适用年级高二年级
  • 文件大小999 K
  • 更新时间2022/9/6 14:05:59
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Yesterday, I met a delightful woman at a work event. As we talked, she talked about her childhood in Manila, Philippines. She spoke about the way her culture values their elders, and she explained that children are educated from the time of birth to honor and respect people older than themselves.

It was refreshing to hear that, and I enjoyed listening and learning. Here is the memory she shared that I found so beautiful:

When she was growing up, her father had three jobs to take care of his family. She said her dad never complained, and though he worked very hard, he always had time for them. One day, her father was injured at his full-time job. For several months, he was mailed temporary (暂时的) disability checks while he recovered.

When her father was able to return to his full-time job, he took all those disability checks that were sent to him while he was recovering and handed them back to the company. He told them that he had good legs and arms, and did not need this money. He told them to give the money to people who could not work, to people who really needed it.

The woman telling the story was a little girl at that time. She had accompanied her father that very day when he went back to his company with all those unopened checks.

“My father is my hero,” she said. Lowering her voice, she said she would never forget what he did, and what an inspiration and influential mentor (良师益友) he was on how to live life. From my communication with her, it was very obvious that her father’s same sweet spirit had been passed down to this woman, and to her family.

Hearing this story was so refreshing to my soul. I hope it is the same to you too.

1. When the woman was talking about her childhood, the writer was probably ________.

A. sad and moved

B. surprised and angry

C. annoyed and disappointed

D. interested and joyful

2. The woman’s father took the temporary disability checks back to his company because ________.

A. he felt he was looked down upon

B. he wasn’t satisfied with the amount

C. he thought others needed them more than him

D. he felt sorry that he had hurt himself by accident

3. What did the writer find after talking with the woman?

A. The woman didn’t know how hard life was.

B. The woman missed her father very much.

C. The woman’s father influenced her in a good way.

D The woman didn’t think her father made the right decision.

4. By writing the story, the writer ________.

A. tries to tell us what we can learn from our parents

B. hopes we can get encouraged by good deeds

C. shows respect for real heroes in our lives

D. wants to ask us to value our family

【答案】1. D    2. C    3. C    4. B




推理判断题。由第二段中的It was refreshing to hear that, and I enjoyed listening and learning. (听到这些让人耳目一新,我很喜欢听和学。)可知,作者在听那位女士讲她的童年往事时觉得很耳目一新,可得出作者很感兴趣,而且听她的故事作者觉得很快乐。故选D项。


细节理解题。由第四段中的He told them that he had good legs and arms, and did not need this money. He told them to give the money to people who could not work, to people who really needed it. (他告诉他们,他四肢健全,不需要这笔钱。他告诉他们把钱给那些不能工作的人,给那些真正需要钱的人。)可知,那位父亲之所以把支票退回去,是因为他认为自己肢体健全,不需要这笔钱,而有人更需要这些支票。故选C项。


细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的From my communication with her, it was very obvious that her father’s same sweet spirit had been passed down to this woman, and to her family. (从我和她的交流中,很明显,她父亲同样甜美的精神已经传给了这个女人,传给了她的家人。)可知,作者发现这位女士的父亲将自己的精神传给了女儿,说明那位女士的父亲对她产生了非常好的影响。故选C项。


推理判断题。由最后一段Hearing this story was so refreshing to my soul. I hope it is the same to you too. (听到这个故事让我心旷神怡。我希望你也一样。)和结合上文可知,女士父亲受伤,但伤好后,拒绝了公司支票,说把支票留给需要的人,这种做好事的美好精神给女士产生了非常好的影响,这个故事让作者觉得好,可得出作者写这篇文章的目的就是希望大家从美好的行为中受到鼓舞。故选B项。

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