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If you are a college student looking for part-time job to make extra money, there are plenty of perfect choices for you.

Graphic Design平面设计师) 

You can become a graphic designer to make money online if you have basic graphic skills. You can do lots of different tasks like creating business cards, or designing websites for business and individuals.

    Pay rates can vary anywhere from $50 to $150 per hour, depending on your skills and experience.

Online Tutoring

Online tutoring is one of the best part-time jobs for students. You can tutor students of all ages in any subject you have knowledge in.

Pay rates for tutoring jobs online vary. You can earn anywhere from $10 to $50 per hour based on your skills, experience and the subject you teach.

Remote Data Entry

Remote data entry(录入)jobs are simple to do. These jobs don’t require any degree or special skills to get started. The main skills you need to have are accuracy and fast typing.

Pay rates from online data entry jobs can vary. You can earn around $10-$16 per hour. Fast typing is necessary for earning more per hour.

Video Editing

If you can create attractive videos, you may as well edit videos. Video editors with experience are in high demand as websites like YouTube need high quality videos to gain more views. If you have some experience in video editing then you can make good money as a video editor.

You can earn anywhere from $25 to $50 per hour, depending on your skills.

You can do these jobs at any time convenient for you, meaning they can be managed along with your study.

21. If you want to get a relatively well-paid job, you should apply to be _______.

A. an online tutor    B. a data entry clerk  C. a graphic designer   D. a video editor

22. Which of the following jobs needs no special skills?

A. Online tutoring   B.Graphic design  C.Remote data entry   D. Video editing

23. What do the four jobs share?

A. They offer a fixed pay.B. They don’t require experience.

C. They don’t require relevant skills.          D. They offer flexible working hours.

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