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山东省潍坊市高密市第三中学2023届高三上学期9月月考试题(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试卷
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小936 K
  • 更新时间2022/11/9 10:40:07
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Community colleges offer low tuition, job-specific training and other benefits. Whether you’re a high school student unsure of which colleges to apply to or someone considering going back to school, there are plenty of reasons to put community colleges on your list.

Lower Costs

The most frequently cited benefit of community colleges is the relatively low cost of attendance. According to data from the College Board, community colleges cost, on average, about one-third of in-state tuition at four-year public universities.

A Path to a Four-year College

Many four-year universities have transfer agreements with local community colleges. These agreements allow students who complete specific requirements to easily transfer into a four-year program at a nearby university. Transfer students can then earn a bachelor’s degree while only having to pay two years of higher tuition.


Community colleges allow for flexible scheduling, making them a particularly good option for older students who are working professionals or parents. Many community colleges also allow high school students to take college-level courses during evenings or weekends.

Workforce Training

Community colleges tend to offer a wide range of career and technical education programs in fields like nursing or firefighting. The highly applied nature of these programs prepares students for entering the workforce. From culinary (烹饪) arts to automobile mechanics, community colleges offer a broad selection of professionalized coursework that four-year universities often do not.

21. Who are most likely to attend community colleges?

A. High school students facing college choices.

B. Adults planning to work at high schools.

C. College students anxious to improve themselves.

D. Professionals eager for college-level courses.

22. Which is thought to be the biggest advantage of community colleges?

A. Lower Costs.            B. A Path to a Four-year College.

C. Flexibility.          D. Workforce Training.

23. Which of the following can best describe the workforce training programs?

A. Interesting. B. Time-consuming.    C. Practical.       D. Demanding.

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