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Troop 73 Annual Delaware River Canoe Trip

On the afternoon of May 20th, Troop 73 will start its annual canoe trip down the Delaware River. The canoe trip, which lasts three days, will be approximately 15 — 20 miles. And it costs $55 per person for camping and canoeing, while $20 per person for camping only.

As usual, we will be camping at White Plains. Those who have already been on this trip know that many children bring friends and family members with them. Because so many parents like to come along, and all want to leave White Plains at a different time, there is no required group meeting or departure time. Everyone is free to leave whenever they wish.

Although there is no required group meeting or departure time, many will meet at Highlands School on Friday evening to set off as a group. Stay tuned for a specific meeting time. If you don’t have your own ride, and don’t have a good friend you can go along with, make sure you speak to the camp leader in advance so that he can help you arrange a ride.

ATTENTION: There are 2 consent(同意) forms, one for persons under 18 and the other for each adult and child. The trip takes place on May 20th, and registrations and consent forms must be handed in THREE days before the activity.

1. How much should Tom and Jim pay for camping only?

A. $55                               B. $110                              C. $20                               D. $40

2. Why are participants allowed to leave freely?

A. They have many things to take along.

B. They have different ideas on when to leave.

C. They want to avoid competing with others.

D. They will go to White Plains in different ways.

3. What do we know about the consent forms?

A. They should be completed in person.

B. They may be handed in on May 17th.

C. Only the people under 18 fill the consent forms.

D. They must be e-mailed ahead of time.

【答案】1. D    2. B    3. B


【导语】这是一篇应用文,文章主要介绍了Troop 73一年一度的Delaware河独木舟之旅。


细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句And it costs $55 per person for camping and canoeing, while $20 per person for camping only.(露营和划独木舟的费用是每人55美元,而只野营的费用是每人20美元)可知,野营的费用是20美元每人,所以TomJim野营需花费40美元。故选D项。


细节理解题。根据第二段中Because so many parents like to come along, and all want to leave White Plains at a different time, there is no required group meeting or departure time.(因为很多家长都喜欢一起来,而且都想在不同的时间离开White Plains,所以没有要求集体会面或离开时间)可知,因为参与者的离开时间不一样,所以允许他们自由离开。故选B项。


细节理解题。根据最后一段中The trip takes place on May 20th, and registrations and consent forms must be handed in THREE days before the activity.(该活动将于520日举行,报名和同意表格必须在活动前三天提交)可知,同意书可以在517号提交。故选B项。

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