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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本人教版(新教材)
  • 适用年级高一年级
  • 文件大小913 K
  • 更新时间2023/7/24 15:43:32
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第一部分   单词拓展(每小题2分,满分22分)

1.       n.民族;国家;国民       adj.民族的;国家的;国民的 

2.       n.污垢;泥土       adj.脏的 

3.       n.苦难;痛苦       v.遭受,忍受 

4.       adj.极度的       adv.极其,非常 

5.       vt.损害;伤害       n.伤害;损害       adj.受伤的 

6.    adj.无用的;无效的;无益的    n.使用;用处    adj.有用的;有益的 

7.    n.;电流;电学    adj.用电的;带电的    adj.与电有关的;电的 

8.     vt.使惊吓;吓唬     adj.受惊的;受恐吓的    adj.令人恐惧的 

9.       n.祝贺;(复数)贺词       vt.祝贺 

10.       adv.真诚地;真挚地       adj.真诚的;真挚的 

11.       vt.表示;表达 n.快车;速递       n.表达;表情 

答案 1.nation;national 2.dirt;dirty  3.suffering;suffer 4.extreme;extremely

5.injure;injury;injured 6.useless;use;useful  7.electricity;electric;electrical

8.frighten;frightened;frightening  9.congratulation;congratulate

10.sincerely;sincere 11.express;expression


第二部分   词汇运用(每空1分,满分38分)


1.Jack left the job after ten years because he was beginning to feel       (被困住). 

2.The document was discovered       (掩埋)in the university archives(档案)by part-time history student Lis Smith, who is completing her PhD at St Andrews Institute of Scottish Historical Research. 

3.Hospital staff       (爆发)into cheers after doctors completed a 20-hour operation to have separated one-year-old twins at the head. 

4.The public was       (震惊) by an incident in which a man lifted a baby girl and threw her to the ground. 

5.Now, electric shock training and medical treatment are helping to       (营救)these big birds. 

6.Apparently satisfied that we caused no further threat, the bear moved off,       (破坏)a fence completely as it went. 

7.The retired man donated most of his savings to the school       (伤害) by the earthquake in Yushu, enabling the students to return to their classrooms. 

8.San Francisco lay in       (废墟) even though rescuers managed to dig out a great number of survivors. 

9.—We need an immediate reply.

—I see. I’ll send the paper to you      (立刻;马上). 

10.The whole country lay       (严重受损;破败不堪)after the war. 

11.I       (陷入)the heavy rain on the way to school yesterday. 

12.When I came in, he      (埋头于)playing computer games. 

13.The growing speed of a plant is influenced by       (许多;大量的) factors, most of which are beyond our control. 

14.My holiday is       (结束;终结)and I must go back to work tomorrow. 

15.I didn’t persuade them to do the experiment that way;you know, they       (以为……没什么了不起)my suggestion. 

16.      (……判断)his look, he doesn’t think much of our plan. 

17.Compared with the escaped driver, I       (……而自豪)what I did. 

18.Fires, floods and earthquakes are __________(灾难)

答案 1.trapped 2.buried 3.burst 4.shocked 5.rescue 6.destroying 7.damaged 8.ruins 9.right away 10.in ruins 11.was trapped in 12.was buried in 13.a great number of

14.at an end 15.thought little/nothing of 16.Judging from 17.am proud of/take pride in 18. disasters

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