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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本北师大版(新教材)
  • 适用年级高一年级
  • 文件大小912 K
  • 更新时间2023/11/10 9:01:08
    下载统计今日0 总计1
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主题语境:人与自然 语篇类型:说明文

A tornado is a disaster;the death and damage it may leave behind is heartbreaking.And while the arrival of a hurricane is known in advance by days of warning,tornadoes strike suddenly.Those in the path of a tornado may have 15 minutes’ warning,if that happens.That makes safety measures for tornadoes important for survival.

What can you do to protect your family from something like that?


•If you live in an area where tornadoes often strike,consider building a safe room in your home or make a bedroom or bathroom strong enough.

•Pack an emergency kit(应急箱) that will meet the needs of you and your family for three days.You should put food and water for three days,batteries,a first-aid kit,local maps and toilet paper in an emergency kit.Other things to consider include sleeping bags or blankets,books,puzzles and games for children.

•Pay special attention to weather.Look for the following danger signs:dark,greenish sky,a large,dark cloud,loud noise.


•In a public building,go to a shelter area such as a safe room,basement or the lowest building level.

•If you’re in a mobile home,get out quickly and go to the lowest floor of a nearby building or a storm shelter.

•If caught in the open,lie down in a lower area and cover your head with your hands.


•Pay attention to the danger created by the tornado such as broken glass and broken electrical wire(电线).These are all dangerous.

• Check for injuries,but don’t try to move someone who is seriously injured unless that person is in immediate danger of death or further injury.

1.Why does the author speak of a hurricane?

A.To make the topic more attractive.

B.To introduce more natural disasters.

C.To stress a hurricane also causes damage.

D.To show it is important to prepare for a tornado.

2.What should be put in your emergency kit?

A.A pencil.     B.A world map.

C.A battery.      D.A phone card.

3.What should people do when a tornado strikes?

A.Stay still when in the office.

B.Leave a mobile house at once.

C.Cover your ears if in the open air.

D.Prepare an emergency kit.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.Safety measures for tornadoes.

B.Some danger signs of tornadoes.

C.The damage caused by tornadoes.

D.The importance of a shelter in tornadoes.

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