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  • 资源类别试题
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  • 适用年级高一年级
  • 文件大小935 K
  • 更新时间2024/4/11 8:57:45
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Guilin is a world-famous tourist city and has attracted lots of Chinese and foreign visitors.If you have a few days planned here,you can visit these travel sites.

Li River

Li River is a bright pearl on the list of China’s tourist attractions and it is one of the best place of sightseeing tours in Guilin.Hanyu described the beauty of the Li River in his poem as “The River looks like a blue silk ribbon and the mountains resemble emerald hairpins(看起来像青簪).” The natural beauty of the Li River is indeed beyond any descriptions,so you have to be here to see with your own eyes and to feel with your own heart.

Xianggongshan Hill

As one of the best places to enjoy the pretty view of the Li River,Xianggongshan Hill becomes more and more famous among tourists and photographers.When you climb up to the top of Xianggongshan Hill for about 20 minutes,you can see the Li River clearly.The light,clouds,sunrise and pink clouds here attract many photographers.

Huangluo Yao Village

It is one of the thirteen Yao ethnic(瑶族) villages in Longji.The ethnic group living here are all the red Yao ethnic people.A custom of red Yao ethnic is that all females should keep long hair.So Huangluo Yao Village is called the first long hair village in the world.

Elephant Trunk Hill

It is also called the elephant hill.The whole hill looks exactly like a huge elephant using its trunk to drink water of the Li River.Between the “trunk” and the “body” is a big round cave which looks like a full moon on the water,so it is named Moon-over-Water Cave.

21.What can we know about Li River according to the passage?

A.Li River is very popular on the list of China’s tourist attractions.

B.Li River is the best place of sightseeing tours in the world.

C.Hanyu described the Li River as a green silk ribbon.

D.You can’t enjoy the beauty of the Li River on the top of Xianggongshan Hill.

22.Where can you see a ethnic group?

A.Li River.                     B.Xianggongshan Hill.

C.Huangluo Yao Village.         D.Elephant Trunk Hill.

23.What is the purpose of the article?

A.To give tips to visitors who will visit Li River.

B.To introduce some of famous travel sites in Guilin.

C.To attract visitors who are interested in mountain climbing.

D.To appeal to foreign visitors.

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