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  • 资源类别教案
  • 教材版本人教版(新教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小318 K
  • 更新时间2024/6/17 8:47:22
    下载统计今日0 总计0
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Life is precious to Lin Qiaozhi who had delivered over 50000 babies in her lifetime. When people entrusted her with their lives it was her virtue that carriedherthroughdecades of hard choices. When she was 18 she chose to study medicine instead of entering into a marriage like the majority of girls. Unfortunately her brother responded negatively to her choicecomplaining about the high tuitionfees. However nothing could scare her off. After graduation Lin Qiaozhi won a scholarship and was appointed as a residentphysician in a famous hospital. After a few years she was sent to study in Europe and then the US where she greatly impressed her colleagues who invited her to stay but were rejected for she was determined to return to China. Then during the war she opened her own clinic to shield the injured from harm. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China she was elected to many important positions but this didn’t weaken her interest at all in tending patients and training the next generation of doctors who could replace her. Dr Lin didn’t retire until the day she passedaway.

During her whole life Dr Lin publishedagreatdealof medical research leaving massive wealth to the world and her savings were used on children and medical development. Inmemoryof her contributions a memorial park was built in 1984 on Kulangsu Island.

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