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  • 更新时间2024/6/27 14:29:44
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From cottages surrounded by impressive gardens to days spent exploring sandy beaches and deep woods filled with wildlife, in My Family and Other Animals, English writer Gerald Durrell provided a vivid account of his family's time on the Greek island of Corfu in the 1930s.

Come for the arresting descriptions of Corfu landscapes and stay for Durrell's laugh-out-loud tales of his unusual family.This book, Durrell wrote humorously in the introduction, “was intended to be a nostalgic (怀旧的) account of natural history, but in the first few pages, I made the mistake of introducing my family.

Durrell, later known for his zoo keeping and the preservation of wildlife, was just a child during his family's five-year stay in Corfu.He is 10-year-old Gerry in the book—curious, passionate about animals and a detailed storyteller of his strange family: his imaginative elder brother Larry with his literary ambitions, lovestruck sister Margo, sporty brother Leslie and his ever-calm, loving mother.

Durrell's attention to detail is what makes the book so winning, with every sight, sound and smell of the island brought to life.One minute you'll be laughing as Larry's clever literary friends walk down to the daffodil-yellow cottage, the next you'll be catching your breath as Durrell describes swimming at night in the Ionian Sea“Lying on my back in the silky water, staring at the sky, only moving my hands and feet slightly, I was looking at the Milky Way stretching like a silk scarf across the sky and wondering how many stars it contained.”

My Family and Other Animals is quite difficult to classify, being one part travel, one part autobiography, one part natural history, and one part comedy, with a thread of descriptive language running throughout that sometimes raises it nearly to poetry.

As a real delight to read, it's the perfect literary escapism for any adult or older teenager who is currently walking down a tough road in life.


1Which word best describes Durrell's life in Corfu D 

ARisky.                          BBusy.

CTough.                          DDiverse.

解析:细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“From cottages surrounded by impressive gardens to days spent exploring sandy beaches and deep woods filled with wildlife...”可知,达雷尔在科孚岛上的生活丰富多彩。故选D

2What does the underlined sentence mean in Paragraph 2 C 

AI introduced my family by mistake.

BI shouldn't have introduced my family.

CI couldn't help introducing my family.

DI gave wrong information about my family.

解析:词义猜测题。根据第二段画线部分所在句“This book, Durrell wrote humorously in the introduction, ‘was intended to be a nostalgic account of natural history, but in the first few pages, I made the mistake of introducing my family.’”可知,这本书原本是一本关于自然历史的怀旧书,但在开头几页,达雷尔却介绍了自己的家人,再根据本段首句的 his unusual family 可知,达雷尔情不自禁地介绍了家人。故选C

3What are Paragraphs 4 and 5 mainly about A 

AThe book's writing feature.

BDurrell's rich imagination.

CSome interesting plots of the book.

DSome vivid descriptions of the island.

解析:主旨大意题。根据第四段第一句“Durrell's attention to detail is what makes the book so winning, with every sight, sound and smell of the island brought to life.”和第五段的内容可知,这两段主要介绍了本书的写作特点。故选A

4What is the purpose of this text B 

ATo share an experience.

BTo recommend a book.

CTo introduce a writing style.

DTo describe an unusual place.

解析:推理判断题。根据全文内容,尤其是最后一段“As a real delight to read, it's the perfect literary escapism for any adult or older teenager who is currently walking down a tough road in life.”可知,本文的目的就是推荐这本书。故选B

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