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  • 资源类别试题
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  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小917 K
  • 更新时间2024/6/27 14:33:14
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No high school exchange student chooses the small town Midwest over California or New York City, but Ole has enjoyed and learned to the point that I don't think he regrets it anyway.It has been a good adventure for us and I think for him too.

Ole's stay was inspiring, entertaining, and fun.We enjoyed his time here and have learned almost as much as he has, I'm sure.He is a very well-rounded kid with many experiences, a very good understanding of America, and speaks English very well.Many of the things he initially was amazed by, he, and we, now take for granted.It has been fun watching him experience a lot of these.

He got to experience playing soccer for his school.We went to many games and he was fortunate enough to have a coach and a team that were kind enough to a new kid and gave him much playing time.Since they have had no school sports before, the whole concept of having your classmates cheer for you at regionals and fans watching the games, let alone having it on TV, was a huge thing for him.The team also gave him a bunch of immediate friends and acquaintances.He liked being able to go to the high school basketball and football games too.He also got to go several of the school dances, a thing they don't do in his hometown.

We do feel fortunate to have had a kid who made an effort to get out, meet people and ask for rides, but was careful about who he hung out with.Our 3 kids did not meet any high school exchange students that were as well known in the school or as well liked and accepted as Ole had been.

We do expect that this hosting experience is the start of a lifelong relationship.


1What does the underlined “We” in Paragraph 2 refer to?


AHigh school students.

BExchange students.

CThe host family.

DTeam coaches.

解析:词义猜测题。根据最后一段“We do expect that this hosting experience is the start of a lifelong relationship.”可知,作者一家是奥利的寄宿家庭;再根据画线词后文“enjoyed his time here and have learned almost as much as he has”可知, 享受奥利在这里的时光的是寄宿家庭。故We指的是寄宿家庭。故选C

2What was a brand new experience for Ole A 

AAttending school dances.

BCompeting in exams.

CHanging out with friends.

DWatching live streaming.

解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中最后一句“He also got to go several of the school dances, a thing they don't do in his hometown.”并结合选项可知,对奥利来说,参加学校舞会是全新的体验。故选A

3What does the author think about Ole's stay B 

AIt is adventurous.

BIt is a win-win experience.

CIt erases misunderstandings.

DIt contains both fun and regret.

解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中“It has been a good adventure for us and I think for him too.”,第二段中“We enjoyed his time here and have learned almost as much as he has”,以及倒数第二段中“We do feel fortunate to have had a kid...”可知,作者认为奥利在寄宿生活中学到了很多,且自己一家人也很享受奥利寄宿于此的时光。故可推知作者认为奥利的寄宿是一次双赢的经历。故选B

4What is the purpose of this text D 

ATo express appreciation.

BTo compare different cultures.

CTo advertise a good service.

DTo share a unique experience.


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