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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本人教版(新教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小914 K
  • 更新时间2024/7/1 8:45:09
    下载统计今日0 总计0
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If reducing stress has been on your summer-to-do list,there’s one powerful thing you can still do before the season ends:get in the habit of taking a walk outside with a friend.

A quick walk in nature with a friend combines three of the most effective stress-reducing and resilience(恢复力)building techniques:physical exercise,spending time in nature and social connection.The activity works by helping normalize the hormonal changes that result from long time stress and enhancing the emotional resources that help us cope.

Walking quickly activates(激活)the body’s stress response.And when the walk is over,the stress system comes back down to the baseline.Regular exercise helps your stress response become more efficient,says Jennifer Heisz,associate professor at McMaster University.

As little as 10 minutes of sitting or walking in nature can decrease a person’s heart rate,blood pressure and cortisol levels,as well as self-reported stress levels.One possible explanation,the researchers say,is that spending time in nature lowers the activity of our sympathetic nervous system,which regulates stress hormones,and taps into the parasympathetic(副交感)nervous system,which promotes our calm and relaxation responses.

Taking that hike with a loved one can further reduce stress by adding the important element of social connection.Talking with trusted friends helps people process stressful events and lifts self-esteem.Social support has positive effects on the brain and body,scientific research finds.

Earlier this year,Cassie Moreno was in a rut of stress and anxiety.She was starting a new job,struggling to make new friends during the pandemic,and going through a breakup.Strolling along the Hudson River with other women,the 26-year-old Maine native says she felt an immediate surge of confidence and calm.

“Look at the water!Look at the Statue of Liberty!How did we get this lucky?” she says.

1.What is the purpose of paragraph 2?

A.To explain a rule.

B.To clarify an argument.

C.To present a fact.

D.To introduce a topic.

2.What is an advantage of spending time in nature?

A.Reducing blood pressure.

B.Lifting self-esteem.

C.Raising stress hormones.

D.Activating the nervous system.

3.What does Cassie Moreno’s remark in the last paragraph indicate?

A.She was refreshed with confidence.

B.She was in a state of stress and anxiety.

C.She was struggling through a hard time.

D.She was amazed by the fantastic scenery.

4.How is the passage developed?

A.By giving explanations.

B.By making comparisons.

C.By listing examples.

D.By proving assumptions.

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